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Fresh Healthy Recipe - Mango Bubble Tea with Green Tea

Bubble Tea was invented in Taiwan in the 1980’s and got its name from the bubbles that appear after vigorously shaking the contents of the drink. Since then, Bubble Tea has grown in popularity over the years and can now be enjoyed in many different varieties.  One of our favorite summer varieties is Mango Bubble Tea which can be made by mixing chilled jasmine green tea with fresh mango or mango ice cream.

Mango Bubble Tea

Mango is Healthy!

There are many health benefits to adding fresh mango to your bubble tea recipes.  

Scientific data has shown that mangoes contain antioxidant compounds that help protect the body against certain cancers.  Additionally, consuming mangoes can help lower cholesterol because they contain high levels of fiber, pectin, and vitamin C.

Mangoes are Good for Your Skin Too

Another wonderful reason to enjoy mango in your tea is because of their ability to help clear skin. When you consume more mangoes, you are allowing them to unclog pores and eliminate pimples.  

Did you know that just one cup of fresh mango provides 25 percent of your daily value of vitamin A? 

This is particularly important when it comes to improving eye health, helping prevent night blindness, and dry eyes.  Mangoes also help to normalize insulin levels in the blood, which helps to prevent diabetes.

 Furthermore, the fiber in mangoes helps to improve and aid with digestion. Lastly, your immune system will get a healthy boost from the high levels of vitamin C found in mangoes.  

What is Jasmine Green Tea?

Jasmine green tea is type of Chinese green tea and is one of the most famously scented teas in the world. For instance, if you go to Chinese restaurant in USA, most of the time, this is the kind of tea that you will be served. You can recognize it by its floral smell which goes very well with Chinese food.

Generally, jasmine teas are made by heating dried Jasmine flower petals when processing the tea.

Jasmine is Healthy too!

Drinking jasmine green tea has many wonderful health benefits as well. For example, jasmine green tea is well known for its ability to fight bacteria which helps our bodies produce good bacteria and aids in digestion.  

It also contains catechins which have fat burning properties to help with weight loss.  Even the simple act of inhaling the scent from jasmine green tea reduces your heart rate and has a sedative effect on nerve activity and mood, which helps reduce stress.  

High levels of antioxidants in jasmine green tea tea attack free radicals that form in the body which have been linked to cancer.  In addition to the high levels of antioxidants that help prevent cancer, they also play a role in slowing the aging process. 

Jasmine green tea also helps to regulate and improve blood circulation and heart health because of its ability to reduce cholesterol and “bad” fats.  

Drinking jasmine green tea prevents colds due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties.  If you are already sick, drinking jasmine tea can speed your recovery. Lastly, jasmine green tea helps to prevent and reduce symptoms of Irritable Bowel Disease. 

Green Tea with Mango:

The simplest way to add mango to your green tea is to cut off a few slices or cubes of mango and add them to chilled green tea.(Either Jasmine or regular sencha green tea)  You can also blend the mango (about 100 grams) into a puree and place it at the bottom of your cup before pouring your chilled green tea on top.  

Mango Bubble Tea

Green Tea with Mango Ice Cream 24oz (700ml):

When you make your Mango Ice Cream with Green Tea, if using a 24 oz cup (700ml), you will make 500ml of green tea. It’s recommended that you use either Jasmine or regular sencha green tea and add 2 scoops of mango ice cream.  

Remember that the mango will add sweetness, so it is best to just use half as much sugar. This is a wonderful aspect of the beverage, because many of today’s customers are looking to consume less sugar in their diets.

    1. Fill a shaker cup 500ml with ice
    2. Add Hot Jasmine Green Tea to the 500ml mark
    3. Add 5-10 grams of fructose or sugar
    4. Shake by hand or place in your shaker machine for 8 seconds
    5. Pour into a 24oz (700ml) cup
    6. Add two scoops of Mango Ice Cream
    7. Serve and Enjoy!

Mango Bubble Tea

This article is written by Mike, CEO of BubbleTeaology

Author Bio

Mike, BubbleTeaology
Mike is originally from the US but has spent the past 6 years in Taiwan and 2 of those years working for one of the largest bubble tea shops in Taiwan.  Now he is the owner of BubbleTeaology which supplies Boba Tea Machines and Wholesale Ingredients to drink shops around the world.

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About the author

Kei Nishida

Author, CEO Dream of Japan

Certification: PMP, BS in Computer Science

Education: Western Washington University

Kei Nishida is a Japanese green tea enthusiast, a writer, and the founder and CEO of Japanese Green Tea Co., a Dream of Japan Company. His passion for introducing America to the tea of his homeland was the catalyst for creating the only company that brings high-quality tea from Arahataen Green Tea Farms to the rest of the world. Learn more about Kei

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